News & Advice
A recent study published in the American Journal of Dentistry has found that chewing just one additional piece of sugar-free gum each day could save £3.3 billion worldwide on dental expenditures.This caught the attention of the World Health Organisation, who... read more.
Chewing gum can save a sum
June 19th, 2017We all know that pain and discomfort, due to oral health problems, can be inconvenient at the best of times. Whether you’re awaiting or recovering from treatment, or experiencing the odd niggle here and there, it’s something we could all... read more.
Calling in sick?
June 12th, 2017As part of your routine dental check-ups, your dentist may sometimes recommend taking x-rays. In today’s article, we will be giving you information about the purpose of dental x-rays, and hopefully answering any questions you might have. Many patients ask... read more.
X-Rays: Why do we need them?
June 6th, 2017The Oral Foundation are about to launch their annual event, shining the spotlight on oral health care once more. That’s right, National Smile Month is back! Running from 15th May – 15th June, it is hoped that this year’s event... read more.
It’s almost time for National Smile Month!
May 10th, 2017Every now and then, we hear the mention of ‘fluoride’ in relation to our drinking water supplies and our toothpaste. But how many of us actually know what this is? And what are its benefits? How do we know if... read more.
Focus on: Fluoride
April 27th, 2017This month we saw thousands of runners hit the streets of London undertaking what, for many, will be a once in a lifetime challenge. After many weeks of training, sore legs and blisters, Sunday 23rd April was a day to... read more.
Top tips for marathon runners
April 25th, 2017The BBC reported this week on the worrying state of oral health for the youngest members of our population. The Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons has pulled together data which suggests that thousands of young... read more.
Worrying statistics for infant oral health
April 4th, 2017At different points in our lives, we all suffer from mouth ulcers in one form or another. They can be incredibly sore or painful, and sometimes it can feel as though they are hanging around forever. However, many of us... read more.
An uncomfortable subject
March 22nd, 2017Perhaps you’ve heard the word ‘veneer’ whilst in the dentist’s waiting room and wondered what it meant. Or maybe a work colleague has mentioned theirs and you’ve had no idea what they were talking about. Hopefully this sense of mystery... read more.
What is a veneer?
March 21st, 2017As with other healthy habits, the importance of starting young when it comes to developing your child’s oral health routines will come with little surprise. The formation of an early, trusting relationship with a dentist is key to a child’s... read more.