5 Benefits of Dental Implants

August 30th, 2014

There are many different options available when you need to have a tooth or several teeth replaced. Some are temporary solutions while others, such as dental implants, are permanent and if well maintained and looked after, can last the patient a lifetime. Dental implants can be used to replace a missing tooth, a larger gap or even a full arch of teeth (both the upper and lower set). They can also be used to secure dentures. Unlike traditional dentures, implant retained dentures clip firmly into place over fixed implants and this avoids the disconcerting sensation of the dentures moving during eating or speaking.

1) Having a healthy smile is important, so a gap in your teeth can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. However dental implants fill the gap with teeth that look and feel natural and healthy, so no one would be able to tell the difference.

2) As mentioned above, they can fill in gaps caused by missing teeth as well as the full top and lower set, making them a great solution if you have more than one gap that needs fixing or if all your teeth need to be replaced.

3) When you have teeth missing, it can affect the way your jaw and face feels inside but also how it looks from the outside. It can leave your jawline looking sunken and misshapen which can then cause visual premature aging due to shrinkage of gums and bone loss. However dental implants help to restore your natural face shape and stop wrinkles from forming. As well as this, they also help to protect the existing bone that’s left behind.

4) Dental implants are permanent and, unlike dentures, do not need to be removed and stored under water overnight. They are a long term solution and the closest thing to having healthy and natural teeth.

5) With dental implants there’s no worrying about having to avoid certain foods that are chewy or hard because dental implants are fused to the bone so you can eat whatever you want. Unlike removable dentures that can slip when you eat and speak, dental implants offer the security of of being firmly anchored and will not move about while you perform daily activities.

Choosing dental implants can free you from embarrassment and give you back the confidence in your smile, but as well as this, it is a treatment that helps to maintain the bone that is left behind and offer you the best solution in terms of comfort, appearance and durability. Here at Ock Street, we can offer the PRGF (Plasma Rich Growth Factor) treatment to our patients during dental implant treatment. This carries many health benefits alongside it.

Read more about PRGF here.

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