Dr Ana Mota
Dentist with Practice Limited to Orthodontics
Dr Ana Mota LMD (Lisbon) 2007 DwSi (Ortho)
GDC No. 180746
Dr Ana Mota LMD (Lisbon) Dentist with Practice Limited to Orthodontics
Dr. Ana Mota qualified in Dentistry at the Superior Institute of Health Sciences in Lisbon, Portugal, in 2007.
After graduating, Ana practised as a General Dentist and Orthodontist Assistant, while undertaking her orthodontic training program, between 2007 and 2009. She also worked in the Orthodontic Department in her University.
In 2010 Ana moved permanently with her family to England, where she has been working exclusively in Orthodontics.
Over the years, Ana has undertaken extensive training to keep up to date with new techniques and regularly attends courses to further her knowledge. Ana is able to offer a wide range of orthodontic treatment options, including Fixed and removable appliances, Invisalign, Damon and Lingual braces, as well as functional appliances and mini-screws (TADs).
In her spare time Ana enjoys travelling and spending time with her family.
GDC No. 180746