Sweating Treatment in Abingdon, Oxford
Many people are totally unaware that excessive sweating, also known as Hyperhidrosis, can be successfully treated with Botox. Now at Ock Street Clinic our medical colleague Mr Jonathan Norris can help you reduce excessive sweating simply and safely.
Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)
There are two main types of excessive sweating, focal hyperhidrosis and generalised hyperhidrosis. Generalised hyperhidrosis is generally linked to other illnesses like flu, thyroid problems and diabetes and would not be treatable with Botox, normally doctors concentrate on treating the underlying condition.
Botox is mainly used for focal hyperhidrosis, which is excessive sweating in a particular area. The most commonly affected areas are the armpits, hands, soles of the feet, and occasionally the upper lip or cheeks.
Excessive sweating causes physical discomfort can damage clothing and carries a social stigma that erodes self confidence so we are delighted to be able to offer Botox treatment for excessive sweating.
Botox Treatment For Excessive Sweating
Botox treatment is performed by injecting tiny amounts of botulinum toxin type A into the skin, and this blocks the nerve action that stimulates the sweat-producing eccrine glands. The Botox is effective for three to four months before the eccrine glands recover and start producing sweat again. Many sufferers of excessive sweating have their Botox in late spring or early summer and it then lasts to the early autumn, the procedure takes about half an hour.
Self-Help Tips for Excessive Sweating
There are lots of triggers for sweating, they are the same ones that trigger normal sweating, but with hyperhidrosis it’s the amount of sweating that causes concern. The common triggers are:
- Summer – we all sweat more in summer when its warm or hot, and the best time to have Botox treatment to avoid excessive sweating is at the start of summer
- Exercise
- Alcohol, hot drinks and hot and spicy food
- Stress and other strong emotions
- Some people are particularly warm at certain times of day
So sufferers of excessive sweating can help themselves by avoiding these triggers as much as they can.
- Choose clothing that will help you stay cool and not stay damp, for example merino wool keeps you both warm and dry whereas cotton stays damp and makes you feel cold as the sweat lingers. Choose clothes that help ventilate the affected areas.
- Avoid those foods and drinks that trigger your excessive sweating
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Keep your work and living environment cool and well aired
Excessive sweating by itself does not cause body odour, it results from bacteria that multiply when sweat stays on the body for a long time. So frequent washing and showers, plus regular changes of clothes (even more than once per day) can help avoid embarrassing body odour.